domingo, 28 de diciembre de 2014

figura de vidrio

Glass furniture inlay depicting a swimming figure. Country of Origin: Egypt. Culture: Graeco-Roman period. Date/Period: c.2nd/1st century BC. Place of Origin: Alexandria. Material Size: Glass. Credit Line: Werner Forman Archive/ Christie's, London . Location: 36.

jueves, 4 de diciembre de 2014 exiliats il.lustrats

 exiliats il.lustrats
L´exposició presenta l´obra de 36 il.lustradors alencians.
36 vides de personatges.

lunes, 24 de noviembre de 2014

José Lull - Parte 1ª - Transición política de Amenhetep III a Amenhetep IV

José Lull - Parte 1ª - Transición política de Amenhetep III a Amenhetep IV

Relief of Mourning Women

Relief of Mourning Women
New Kingdom funerals often featured female mourners wailing and gesturing dramatically. Although sometimes called "professional mourners," more likely these local women joined the funeral procession to express solidarity and sorrow, and also to participate in a public event.
The sloppy carving and indistinct lines indicate that that sculptor of this tomb relief was relatively unskilled, but he did successfully convey how ancient women demonstrated grief by throwing dust on their heads and even falling to the ground. The different shapes of the figures indicate different ages.
