sábado, 21 de febrero de 2015

Beecham's Pills

Suggestive advertisement for the use of Beecham's Pills as an abortifacient. The text at the bottom notes that the pills "assist nature in her wondrous functions".

Tomb object representing a palace gate

Tomb object representing a palace gate. Country of Origin: China. Culture: Chinese. Date/Period: Han dynasty, 200BC-200AD. Credit Line: Werner Forman Archive/ British Museum, London . Location: 07.

Limestone column relief fragment showing the feet of Nefertiti

Limestone column relief fragment showing the feet of Nefertiti, who is wearing sandals and a floor length pleated garment. The distinct representation of the left and right feet was a characteristic of the Amarna period used exclusively for members of the royal family. Country of Origin: Egypt. Culture: Ancient Egyptian. Date/Period: 18th dynasty, Amarna period. Place of Origin: Tell El-Amarna, 1352-1336 BC. Material Size: limestone, h = 23 cms, l = 47 cms. Credit Line: Werner Forman Archive/ Christie's, London . Location: 72.

lunes, 9 de febrero de 2015


Petroglyphs. The meanings of these rock carvings are often unclear. They many have been boundary markers, records of important events or magical symbols. Country of Origin: Northwest Coast of America. Culture: Nootka. Place of Origin: Canada, Sproat Lake. Credit Line: Werner Forman Archive/ . Location: 02.